Hope-An Anchor for the Soul, Firm and Secure

Hope-An Anchor for the Soul, Firm and Secure

By Phil Waldron

Long before Ángel was a Christian he was sitting at a bar one night. Suddenly, he had the sensation that something was touching the back of his head, so he turned

As he did, a man pulled the trigger on a gun. If he had not moved his head at that exact moment, Ángel would have died. As it was, the bullet entered his mouth and buried itself in his jaw knocking a tooth loose in the process. Most of the stories of transformed lives resulting from our programs here at Mission UpReach, Inc. are focused on children and youth, but there are a number of adults that have been transformed over these 11 years as well. Ángel Sánchez is one such story.

Thanks to the many loyal and generous donors supporting our work, God has used Mission UpReach to transform lives of people just like Ángel, while at the same time we have begun building a base of leadership that will help lead a sustainable movement of church planting and discipling in the future.

A little over half the funds that we receive during the year are donated during the last quarter of the calendar year. That’s why our Annual Fundraising Campaign is such an important part of our success. This month we are launching this year’s campaign entitled, “Hope: An Anchor for the Soul—Firm and Secure.” We felt like it is just the right focus for a campaign given the tension and stress that has been generated by the COVID-19 pandemic layered on top of the political unrest and rioting that we see all around us.

In talking about Jesus, Hebrews 6:19a says, “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” Later in the New Testament the Apostle Peter says that Jesus is our living hope.

In Honduras where we live and work, this is the Good News that we preach, and it is transforming lives. Harrison and Hayley Waldron’s story is a real life testimony of someone who discovered this Living Hope. So, in an effort to encourage others in their own struggles as well as to highlight the great need for donations here in Western Honduras, we have asked Hayley Waldron to be the ambassador for this year’s campaign. We produced a video that tells their story in Hayley’s own words so that others can be encouraged by listening to it. You can see the video by going to YouTube and searching for Harrison and Hayley Waldron, An Anchor for Your Soul.

In the face of extremely difficult circumstances, Harrison and Hayley have held onto their faith and have found that, indeed, Jesus is, “an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” They have faced so much, and as a result, they are an inspiration to all that know them. I hope you will be encouraged by their story.

I also hope you will consider giving to our year-end campaign so that Mission UpReach can share this living hope with thousands of people in Honduras who so desperately need it.

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