Fundraising Party!

Fundraising Party!

There are so many creative ways to use your gifts to fundraise on behalf of Mission UpReach. Kim Hodgson from West Jefferson, North Carolina held a Pampered Chef virtual party and instead of taking the credits in products for herself, this mother and grandmother requested that Pampered Chef donate her reward dollars to Mission UpReach.

Kim explains her motivation for raising money in her own words. “In 1988, I met Beth Elledge Gossett (mother of MUR’s own Caleb Gossett) in Wilkesboro, NC. We worked together at a developmental day school for children with special needs. She invited me to the Wilkesboro Church of Christ Thursday night devotionals at the Phillips Farm where I met Craig Phillips, missionaries, and many other Christians. That’s where my story begins. I was baptized a year later.Though life took Beth and I in different directions, we stayed in contact. I learned that Caleb Gossett, her son, was involved with Mission UpReach. Our eldest daughter’s congregation, Blacksburg Church of Christ, participates in Honduran missions also. I am able to give, and selecting these worthy missions throughout the church is my first priority. I want to support Christians on the front lines. I’ve been struck by the video messages and posts I’ve seen on social media of how MUR is impacting lives, and I am always moved in my spirit when I sense the love for Christ displayed. I am thankful to support a mission like Mission UpReach. I also knew the Pampered Chef party was virtual on Facebook and I could bring awareness to MUR to hopefully prompt others to give.”

“For anyone who would like to host a Pampered Chef party with Amanda Thompson, my consultant, and donate your party earnings to MUR, reach out to Amanda.”
[email protected]

Need help getting started like Kim? Check out our toolkit at the link below!

Fundraising Toolkit

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