First Surgical Brigade a Huge Success

First Surgical Brigade a Huge Success

During the first week of October, Mission UpReach hosted its first ever surgical brigade in a small hospital in Gracias, Lempira, about 60 minutes outside of Santa Rosa de Copán. 14 medical professionals traveled from the US to Honduras to assist us in making our dreams and plans of the past four years come to fruition. This team completed 55 surgeries in just four and a half days. The hospital where the team worked normally completes about 20 surgeries per week and were grateful and amazed at our accomplishments. Without the hospital’s collaboration and openness, as well as support staff, the week could not have been so successful. Mission UpReach seeks these types of partnerships as we reach out into our community to bring healing and help in the name of Jesus.

We owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Kendle Yates (Brentwood, TN) who led the group and agreed to assist us as we reach for our dream of having numerous surgical teams per year. Most of his team are professionals from the Williamson County Hospital in Franklin, TN. We are grateful for the hospital’s cooperation in allowing so many of their staff to be absent for an entire week to serve the poor and needy in Honduras. We are also grateful to Rick Harper, CEO of Health Talents, Inc. for his assistance in helping us accurately assess our ability to proceed with our dreams and for introducing us to Dr. Yates. We look forward to continuing positive outcomes in the future.

As the surgical team focused on attending the medical needs of patients, Mission UpReach’s team was praying with the patients before and after surgery, as well as praying with and being available to family members as they waited. Our team has since visited 45 of the 55 patients in their homes, some of them living 2-3 hours from Santa Rosa. Our desire is to communicate to the recipients that we care about both their physical and spiritual well-being. Some of the patients have been connected to a church in their community through our efforts. Others have a desire to study the Bible with someone, and we are joyfully fulfilling their requests. This is just another example of how as Christians we must respond to the physical needs of those around us in order to have an influence on their spiritual well-being.

Interested in knowing more about future surgical brigades? Contact Donna Waldron at [email protected].

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