15 Jun A Note from Donna – June 2018
The months of June and July are filled with visiting short term mission teams. In addition to our usual busy schedules, our team often works overtime to insure a positive mission experience for our visitors in addition to making sure their time, energy and resources are put to work to further the Kingdom work we do at Mission UpReach.
As we have stated many times in the past, we have our short term teams focus only on projects that support the good works we are already doing or enhance them by bringing resources that we can’t otherwise provide.
All of our teams provide 100% of the funding for their personal in-country expenses as well as the funds needed to accomplish the specific projects they are completing. In other words, none of the funds we raise for Mission UpReach are used to supplement visiting teams. These teams, in conjunction with our ongoing efforts, are a part of the ultimate goal of growing the Lord’s church in number as well as impacting the culture we are in. Please pray for our summer teams, for their safety as well as success.
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