15 Jun Church Planters Making a Difference
by Caleb Gossett
Revolutions begin when people can no longer sit by and accept their circumstances. These people band together with a common vision and goal, using their passion and numbers to instigate change. These big shifts that have occurred in history did not occur overnight, but rather represent a long-term culmination of emotions and beliefs. However, they all had a beginning; they all had a catalyst that drove the reaction. Here at Mission UpReach we wish to see a revolution. Rather than a political revolution, we wish to see a spiritual revolution take place in Honduras.
We believe it is time for the Honduran people to shed the bonds of sin and live a life to which God has called them. Like any revolution, it will take time, and it will have to have a catalyst. We see our Church Planting team as a small part of this revolution; a small, but highly effective part. Our church planting team focuses on establishing congregations of believers all across Western Honduras. In this way, they are helping establish catalysts of change.
When a strong body of believers exists in a community, cultural change is likely, and a spiritual revolution is inevitable. In discussing a political revolution, author Charles Kurzman writes, “they talk politics with everybody. With their butcher. With folks standing at the bus stop. People they never really talked to, ever”. If this tendency of unquenchable political discussion is true, how much more important is it to see an unrestrained need to share the gospel. The revolution we hope to witness is one of peace, kindness and love. It is a revolution that encourages treating others the way we would like to be treated.
It is a revolution where God is recognized as the leader and the one in control. And, it is a revolution that inspires people to share the good news of Jesus Christ with everyone they encounter.
Please pray for our Church planting team as they work tirelessly on the front lines. Pray they have the knowledge and the wisdom to help start new and thriving churches, which will serve as catalysts for change.
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