11 Jul A Note from Donna – July 2018
by Donna Waldron
I recently heard a quote from a very successful man who after being complimented for his success said, “Success comes from making mistakes and learning from them.” As we have worked over the past 9 years here on the ground, we have made mistakes and attempted things that simply didn’t work out.
True success evaluates experiences and using them to do things better the next time. As Phil mentioned in his article, we have seen the results of years of US churches putting preachers on support and it has not been positive. We should learn from our mistakes and experiences and direct our money, time and efforts in new direction due to our evaluations. Change is not always easy, but when we see the urgency of need to preach the gospel, we should be willing to change and adjust. We here at Mission UpReach do not claim to have the perfect model, but we have developed a plan, taking into account the lessons learned.
Please pray for those efforts and join us financially as we seek to plant self-led, self-sustaining, and self-replicating churches. We can’t do it without you!
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