11 Feb MUR Hosts Annual Bible Camp for Children
Since 2014, Mission UpReach has offered children starting at age 8, the opportunity to experience Bible camp. With the initial help and direction of Ty Ford, director of Camp Deer Run in East Texas, and a handful of trained Deer Run Staff, MUR has successfully served hundreds of children over the past five years. This year was the first time that we decided to tackle this undertaking using only in-country direction and staff. Identifying and training Honduran staff, none of whom have ever experienced camp themselves, has been one of the biggest challenges. Understanding the importance of relationship building while instilling the love of Christ into the hearts of these children is vital to a successful program.
The year Caleb Gossett and Carlos UmaƱa co-directed the camp. 25 staff members worked with them to serve a total of 136 children over the two-week period. Many of these children have never been away from home overnight, much less a full week away. A select few who are part of the first generation of campers, are now participating for their 5th year in a row. As the time grows near each year, the eagerness to sign up for and participate in camp grows. Now that the older children are 13 and 14 years old, the impact of the teachings is even greater. A desire to please God and serve him emerges in the lives of these children.
We here at MUR consider it an honor and a privilege to offer Bible camp each year. Our dream is that it will continue to grow both in numbers of kids participating, as well as the numbers of weeks we can offer the camp. Our dream is to one day in the near future have our own facility and offer Bible camps and retreats year-round.
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