Wrapping Up Our Summer Groups

Wrapping Up Our Summer Groups

Nelson Galarraga Returns

For the second year in a row, Nelson Galarraga from the North Atlanta Church of Chrit returned of offer a week long training on pastoral counseling. Some 25 individuals participated in Nelson’s practical, hands-on training, equipping our team to better meet the needs of those around us. While in town, Nelson also conducted two marriage seminars in the evenings, encouraging and challenging couples to move towards more productive relationships within their families. Dorris Gulley, an MUR board member was also with us the same week, providing encouragement and support. Thank you, Nelson and Dorris, for giving of yourselves and your time.


VCOM brings students from the South Carolina campus

Mission UpReach is privileged to host the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM) several times each year as they bring students with a passion for outreach to put into practice the skills they are learning in medical school. Several Preceptors (licensed physicians) work with smaller groups of students as they diagnose and treat the patients who come through the remote clinic. These clinics are set up in small villages where the team is able to see about 100 patients per day. The experience enhances the students’ medical knowledge as well as opens their eyes to community outreach. It has been and continues to be an honor to Serve as their host. We sincerely appreciate the valuable contribution they make to our ongoing efforts to meet the needs of the poor and oppressed in western Honduras.


DiscipleTrips works with children in public schools

DiscipleTrips is an excellent organization that brings individuals together to experience short-term missions. The goal of DiscipleTrips is to offer mission trips to individuals who might not otherwise have the opportunity to participate due to the size of their congregation. One of their goals is to make groups intergenerational, allowing older Christians to teach and be an example to younger Christians, while mutually serving others and each other. We are honored that they often select western Honduras as a spot to bring such teams. This year’s group was led by Cody Chumbley, minister at the South Main Church of Christ in Weatherford, TX. This year’s group prepared a VBS-like event that they took to several schools in Corquín each day. They also took time to work in the afternoons at our coffee farm at the Moses Project. One afternoon they went to the local elder-care facility and played games with the residents as well as served them homemade soup for dinner. Thank you, DiscipleTrips, for blessing us with dynamic teams of servants who impact lives for the glory of God.


University Church of Christ brings youth group

We are thankful for our ongoing, long-term relationship with the University Church of Christ out of Denver, CO.

While the church, as a whole, visits each year with a medical team, the youth group visits every other year to serve children with a VBS. This year they prepared lessons, skits, crafts and games to share with the children. This team was able to visit 6 different schools that are currently in our DESEO program. The dynamic visit from a group of North American teens was a nice change for the kids who happily receive our team each week. This group also spent their afternoons working at the Moses Project in the coffee field, pruning and cleaning the plants. Thank you, University for entrusting us with your teens and encouraging the children we are blessed to serve.


Southside Church of Christ finishes summer with a medical team

The Southside Church of Christ has been a regular on our short-term mission’s team. Scott Bedichek and Kory Cummings, both board members, started coming to Honduras in 2012. Each year the group has grown and as a result are able to serve more and more people. Kory, an optometrist, is able to provide professional vision checks and provides glasses to those in need. Scott, a periodontist, brings his team who spends hours pulling rotten teeth, a task that has no end in western Honduras. Thank you, Southside for your constant and meaningful contribution to what the Lord is doing here in western Honduras. What began as a small group from Southside, is now a large and diverse group with families, nursing students, dental professionals and more. For some members of the group this trip was their 7th, while for others, it was their very first. It was amazing to see the group come together and serve the people of El Porvenir and its surrounding areas. As we finished the week it was a blessing to reflect on the incredible journey the last few years have been. We know that in another 7 years we will look back on this week, and all the groups we’ve hosted this year, and praise God for how good he is. Thank you.

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