A Note from Donna – September 2019

A Note from Donna – September 2019

As September begins, we are focused on preparing for our first ever fundraising gala in Nashville, TN. Phil and I will spend a couple of weeks traveling to sell sponsorships for the event. If you, or anyone you know, would be interested in a personal visit or more information on how you can help us promote the event, please contact me at [email protected]. You can also visit the website at muevent.org.
On the family front, we are happy to announce that our daughter-in-law, Hayley graduated from nursing school. It was a great occasion worthy of much celebration. Hayley will begin working full-time in October. We appreciate your prayers as she and Harrison make this new transition and work out the many details of his on-going care. In August we also got our youngest, Laura settled in at Harding University for her senior year. Harding has been a great blessing to both Harrison and Laura as they continued their education as well as their spiritual development.

As always, we appreciate your prayers for our family, as well as the mission!

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