Spring Challenge Fund Grows to $70K

Spring Challenge Fund Grows to $70K

By Phil Waldron


This month, due to a time sensitive topic, I am not going to be able to write very much about the ongoing flood of husbands, wives, and children that are leaving Honduras to immigrate illegally to the US. Suffice it to say that it is epidemic in scale. However, I do want to share one anecdote about the current immigration crisis that I think speaks volumes about why it is not a good thing for many.

The story that I have in mind is about a young, married, mother of two. We have known her for years because she worked here in Santa Rosa at Hotel Elvir where all of our visiting groups stay. She lost her job in a lay-off from the Hotel and decided on her own to leave her two young children with her husband and go to the US. She did so and was able to get across the border. Her husband missed her so much that he quit his job and left their two young children with his parents to head to the US illegally as well. I would ask you to ponder how this is a good thing for any of the people involved? These children will most likely go years before they see their parents again. We know of cases where parents did the same thing twenty years ago, and those children that they left behind are now grown. They have not seen their parents, except through Facetime or Zoom, in all of these 20+ years. These are the stories that need to be shared in the US so that people understand the need for a reasoned and measured approach to immigration. Right now, right or wrong, everyone here believes that the US southern border is open to any and all comers.

So, with that said, let me address an exciting Matching Challenge issued by a small group of our donors. The fund began when one of our donors challenged anyone and everyone to match his $40,000 pledge before May 15th. He also suggested that people think about giving all or part of their stimulus check to meet his pledge.

When we sent out our first round of letters asking you and others to give towards this $40K challenge, other donors were so inspired that they added an additional $30,000 to the challenge fund. This gives us the opportunity to raise $140,000 when we successfully raise a matching amount to their challenge.

Do you think that you can help us? The good works that we do here in the Western Highlands of Honduras literally impact thousands of children and tens of thousands of people in general. We are facing a tough year here—the Pandemic is resurging, we are recovering from hurricanes, and there is a massive, unprecedented wave of illegal immigration taking place. Homes are boarded up, and mothers of small children are left without their spouses.

Things are bleak. Normally, MUR can help by providing employment and programs that give life and hope to these people. However, we cannot do it without money. As they say, “No money, no mission.”

You, and others like you, have always come through for us with your generous giving.

Can you help us now? With the new amount of the challenge fund being $70,000, our challenge fund donors have extended the cut-off date by 14 days. If you give before the 29th of May, your money will multiply $1 x $2 in its impact because of this $70,000 challenge. Please help us maximize the benefit of this donor’s generosity.

Thank you again for your faithful support.


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