A Note From Donna

A Note From Donna

Phil and I are blessed that we get to spend the beginning of each day drinking coffee together and talking about how God is working in our lives and around us.  We have discussed the topic of faith a lot lately.  Every forward movement of Mission UpReach has been an act of faith. Without exception, every new ministry or program has begun without being able to see the provision.  The greatest challenge to our faith is knowing how fallible we are, and because of that, we can misread what we might perceive as a “green light” from God.  But we have also learned that God is even amid those mistakes.  He’s not afraid of our failures because He can redeem them.  Since 2015, when we were gifted the Moses Project, we have had so many moments of doubt.  Should we have taken it on?  Do we have the wrong vision?  Is it worth the risk?  Where will the money for the infrastructure come from? And since 2015, we have made mistakes.  Each time, God gently dusts us off and puts on back on track.  We still aren’t 100% confident that we are on track.  But we are sure of this:  Being “confident” in our own wisdom is very dangerous. Perhaps that’s the purpose of the struggle. We are fully dependent on the Lord to take our vision of sustainability and make it a reality.  God has sustained us thus far, which has formed into the “monuments” of reminders of His provision.  He has sent a team of incredibly talented young men and women. We have some challenges ahead, but as we see things coming together, we fully trust God to finish what He started.  Please join us in prayer.

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