08 Dec 90 Years Old and Still Giving Generously
The lady standing in the center of the photo with two of her eight siblings, one on either side, is Jean Mangrum. She recently turned ninety, and a small group of her family and friends celebrated this momentous occasion with her.
In lieu of buying “Aunt Jean” presents for her birthday, they all gave money to Mission UpReach to honor her. Aunt Jean’s history with the work in Honduras goes back many years. She was married to James Mangrum, prior to his passing, who visited Honduras some sixty-five times as a representative of the missions committee at the Hermitage Church of Christ. James was responsible for visiting seven different Honduran evangelists that the Hermitage church sponsored. The man was fearless in his travels throughout a good portion of Honduras often hitching a ride in the back of pickup to get to his next destination. He was beloved by everyone that knew him here in Honduras and was affectionately known as Santiago (which is the name of the book of James in the Spanish New Testament).
Jean’s support of Mission UpReach means a great deal to us. And we think that her decision to use her birthday as an occasion for a Mission UpReach fundraiser is brilliant. We were excited to receive the donations in her honor, but also not surprised, knowing her and James the way that we do. Thank you, Jean. We love and appreciate you more than our words can express.
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