30 Mar Moses Products Update (Productos Moisés)
By Erik Estrada, Director of Productos Moisés
Agriculture is a science where continued improvements and adaptations are vital to efficiency. During the last couple years our team has faced different challenges, such as the effects of the COVID pandemic and the increased price of feed, fuel, and fertilizers, which gives us the opportunity to look for more sustainable and integrated practices. Our mitigation plan will open opportunities to become an even more efficient and eco-friendly farm. At the same time, the implementation of certifications on the coffee farm is being done to keep track of our improvements.
Productos Moisés has successfully established its place as a provider of chicken and tilapia products in different stores, restaurants, supermarkets, and distribution centers in the western part of Honduras. Quality control and standards are our key components to guarantee the excellence of our products. The overall acceptance of our products and feedback from our customers has been positive and an indicator of potential expansion nationwide soon.
Currently, a new branding and marketing strategy is being implemented to educate the community about who we are and what we represent as a provider of products as well as a mission. The income received from the products sold are reinvested in the community helping the Mission move toward its goal of sustainability to support its programs.
The vision of Productos Moisés is to become a leading brand in the market and serve as a business incubator, where the young men of the Moses Project can open their minds and become entrepreneurs in their communities. They will be capable of serving as leaders, providing a better quality of life for their families and community. With the increased demand of our products, our team is developing a network of small to medium scale chicken growers. We can offer technical assistance and a guaranteed market for their products. The expansion of our providers network is a source of income for the community as well as business opportunities because we offer a safe and stable market.
Day by day we ask for God’s guidance and wisdom to make the best decisions so that we can continue providing for and helping our community. Get to know more about Productos Moisés by visiting productosmoises.com and on social media as Productos Moisés.
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