The 10th of September is the Day of the Child (Día del Niño) in Honduras. The Day of the Child is an international event celebrated by most countries in the world, but on distinct dates. For Honduran children, it’s one of the happiest days of the year. Children are generally celebrated at school, churches, community centers, and even at home if the economic situation allows. The celebrations generally include piñatas, lots of candy, cake, coke, toys, and usually clowns. The idea is to make the children feel celebrated and bring them special joy. Our DESEO team plans months ahead for this day, including a special plea for donations. We normally serve around 850 children per week with our values and Bible teaching, but for the Day of the Child this year, we served 1200 children after receiving an invitation from the mayor of a nearby village requesting our help celebrating the children of their community. When it was all complete, we had enough toys and treats to visit the local hospital to celebrate with the 30 children who were hospitalized on that day. Thank you to all who responded to this opportunity with financial support!
A Good Reason to Sponsor a Child
In a recent meeting with team leaders, questions were asked of Irma Santos, our DESEO administrator, regarding the disparity in attendance for tutoring between certain schools. Irma explained that in the school that has nearly 100% participation weekly, the difference is that the children in that school are mostly all sponsored by someone via our DESEO Project. It is a requirement of the program that the children attend. The progress being made by these children in areas such as math and Spanish has been astounding, and it is due to the children’s participation in our program offerings. In such environments where the parents have low regard for education and often allow the children themselves to decide whether to attend tutoring or not, we can see the direct and positive impact of sponsorships. While it is the receiving of benefits that motivates attendance, the outcome is very positive. This reinforces the great need to recruit more and more families to sponsor children. The positive results in the education of these children may be the very thing that keeps them in school. Without an education, these children are bound for continuing lives of poverty, and many will end up migrating illegally to the U.S. in search of jobs. Please consider participating with us to keep children in school, provide education for them, teach them lasting values, show them the love of Jesus, and help them see their value and worth in the eyes of God. Would you consider sponsoring a child? Visit and select a child to sponsor today.
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