Good News Bad News: We need your help!

Good News Bad News: We need your help!

By: Phil Waldron, CEO Mission UpReach, Inc.


The bad news first, as the saying goes; we missed our goal of raising $650,000 in our year end fundraising campaign by a substantial amount. This was to be our biggest campaign ever because we had a unique set of circumstances that just doesn’t come along ever year.


Normally, we can reasonably expect to raise $500,000, when we include a “faith-stretch component” to our year end fundraising campaign goal that is matched by a small group of donors who enjoy giving to challenge others to give. Some of these donors have told us that for them it is a question of Stewardship with their gifts. They know that by giving sacrificially in the form of a challenge they are “leveraging” their own gifts to have a bigger impact than what they might ordinarily achieve.


The matching element of $1 given producing $2 in overall donations to Mission UpReach is usually a compelling concept that makes giving to our year end campaign an exciting proposition for those people who hear about the Challenge.


This past year, as we explained in our 2022 campaign material, we had an unexpected “serendipity” of three donors wanting to give in a way that honored our recently deceased son, Harrison, by raising an additional $300,000 on top of our normal goal for the year, to honor his 30th birthday which he would have celebrated this past October 18th. That’s why we were shooting for $650,000 to be raised by the end of the day on December 31st.


We are short of that goal by a substantial margin, which is disappointing. However, due to the generosity of our Challenge Fund donors; we have a reprieve from the December 31st deadline and are extending our year end campaign through the end of the day on January 31st of 2023. That means that if you haven’t given to the campaign there is still time to do so. We are not expecting all the money to come in cash donations right away either. We are looking for pledges for these gifts to be given before September 30th of 2023 which is when our new campaign will begin for 2023’s Year End.


Can you help us? Your generous donation now (or your pledge of donations to be given before September 30th, 2023) could make all the difference in the world in our result on the January 31st deadline. Please let me know via email at: [email protected] how much you are pledging or giving. That way I can tabulate the results and report on our success. Thank you for your prayerful consideration in giving to this worthy cause.

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