02 Jun Updating the Dormitory Underway
By Phil Waldron, CEO
We have further good news this month that we want to share with you here. Based on the giving and pledges that we have already received in response to our Spring Fundraiser, we have begun updates on the Moses Project dormitories. A small group of donors responded to our Spring Fundraiser request and as a result we raised enough money to do some major cosmetic updates as well as putting right some things that had broken over the years with continued use.
We fell well short of our goal for the entire renovation project, but it is not going to prevent us from carrying on with the boys’ activities. In fact, they are delighted at the improvements that we are making. We are grateful for those who were able to give to this effort because it is a good start towards what needs to be done. Based on our response to this Spring’s request it looks like it will take us a couple of years to get enough money together to do all the improvements that are needed. Ultimately, we need to do a fair bit of work in order to put the building into proper condition. If you feel motivated towards this particular effort, you can give online or via mailing a donation check to our Longview, TX mailing address. Just let me know via email at: [email protected] that you are earmarking your donation to this effort so we can keep our accounts straight.
We have learned too many times over the past 14 years that our timing is almost never God’s timing. What we think needs to be done in short order often takes much longer to bring to fruition. If we have learned anything during these years, it is that God is our provider. A maxim that guides us in our personal ministry is best expressed by David, the Psalmist, in Psalm 20:7-8,
“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm.”
The only other words we might add to this guiding principle that has been forged in us through countless examples of God’s benevolent providence are; “Blessed be the name of the Lord.” For us, that says it all. I love what Paul said to the Athenians (Acts 17:28), “in him we live and move and have our being.”
So, join with us please as we celebrate this milestone and look forward to seeing how God provides for the rest of our needs not only in this project but in many more as well.
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