A Note from Donna

A Note from Donna

I am happy to report that Oscar’s surgery went very well.  I expressed to Phil that witnessing him walk just after surgery was the closest to experiencing the miracle of Jesus healing the lame.  Truly it was an encouraging experience for Phil and I and a privilege to be with him and his wife during the process.  He will recover a few more months and then the second hip will be replaced.  Thank you for your prayers.


June 23 was the one year anniversary of our Harrison’s passing. It still seems surreal and difficult to process.  We miss him so much and can’t help some days but to think about all we’ve lost.  We try to focus on things that are positive and good, like the fact that we were selected by God to be his parents in the first place.  He brought us so much joy in his short life. We are learning that grief is a strange companion.  It pops up when you least expect it, and it distorts moments that should be joyful.  Additionally, our hearts hurt when we watch our girls grieve and process the loss of their brother and Hayley her husband.  We know that God calls us to be joyful and to rejoice in Him always.  Our lives are not void of joy and rejoicing, but some days are just so difficult.  Would you continue to pray for our family?

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