09 Oct GPS: God Positioning System
By: Phil Waldron, CEO
It’s that time of year again when we go public with our year end giving campaign. Since early August, a small group of donors has been working on pledging or giving money towards a $500,000 Challenge Fund to help motivate other donors to give.
Over the years we have learned that people enjoy the Challenge from “both sides of the coin.” Everyone that participates is agreed that doubling your giving dollars is a good investment in Kingdom work. This year the campaign is themed around GPS and plays on the idea of the Global Positioning System that we are all so familiar with in our day to day lives. The difference is that Mission UpReach is guided by the God Positioning System. Our theme verse is Proverbs 16:9 that says, “A man makes his plans, but God directs his footsteps.”
Here at Mission UpReach, we call it “muddling through in faith.” So many times, in the past fifteen years, we have responded to what seemed to be God calling us to take action in a particular way. Almost always, we have to struggle with whether to commit time, energy, money, and resources to that particular need in our community. Looking back, it is clear that God directed our footsteps even when we may have initially launched out on a tangent. And honestly, our greatest advances in spiritual growth have come through our greatest struggles. It reminds me of the anecdote of a butterfly struggling to free itself from the cocoon. I have heard it said that if someone gently cuts away the cocoon freeing the butterfly without the struggle that normally takes place that the butterfly will die. It seems that the struggle is what produces the strength in the butterfly’s wings that give it the power to take flight; without the struggle, they cannot fly.
Thankfully, our God is good, and wise, and perfect in all His ways. Over the last 15 years we have seen clearly how He “positioned us” to be right where He needed us in order to be able to watch Him transform dozens of people’s lives.
As far as programs go, one example of GPS is how we started our public school Bible values education program with no money and then watched as God provided. It’s been 14 years now since DESEO began and more than 10,000 children have received lessons from our team. Many of the families that are now members of our local church in Barrio Belén, Santa Rosa were first connected with through our DESEO program. It begins with the children, and in many instances, leads to the parents obeying Christ and becoming Christians as well.
Our 2024 calendar includes twelve stories of lives that God has transformed through various ministries of Mission UpReach. These twelve people represent a fraction of what God is doing here. We feel honored to be a part of what is going on. You should too because it is your prayers and your donations that make it all possible. If you have not received one of our calendars in the mail, write me at: [email protected] to let me know, and we will send you one.
Your prayers and donations are what sustain us. If it weren’t for you, we would not be here doing these good works in Jesus’ name. Please give some careful consideration to making a significant donation to our year end campaign. Right now, we are looking for pledges of monies to be given before August of next year. Some people prefer to give their entire pledge prior to December 31st since it is a tax-deductible donation. Whether it is a donation prior to the end of this year, or a pledge be given over the next 9 to 10 months, please let me know what you are going to contribute by emailing me personally at: [email protected].
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