Closing Celebrations for 2023

Closing Celebrations for 2023

The end of the Honduran school year is already here and with that comes the DESEO closing celebration. The team visited each of the 17 schools we worked in this school year and said farewells to some 1,000 students they impacted. Our hope is that most of these goodbyes are just “see you later” because we will see them next year or they will attend our church or come to our annual Kids’ Camp. But the reality is that some kids may be pulled from school to work so they can help their families financially. Some kids will be graduating from 6th grade and will be leaving our DESEO Program, but our prayer is that they will be able to continue their education.


With the closing of DESEO, we also had our last game for the UPWARD basketball program for this season. Parents and teachers alike are invited to the big final games and trophies, awards, and t-shirts were given out at the end acknowledging all the kids’ hard work and improvement. We had 50 kids from six different schools participate in the afternoon basketball program this year.

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