New Director for Moses Project

New Director for Moses Project

We are thrilled to announce that Tyler Harbison has accepted the role of director of the boys’ program of the Moses Project. Tyler and his wife Elsie have been living in Honduras for 7 years and have served with another non-profit for most of those years. Elsie began working as Phil’s executive assistant four years ago, and Tyler began doing some part time marketing for Subida Coffee one year ago. As the need for a new director became apparent, Tyler was on the top of the list of potential candidates. Tyler has a passion for forming and shaping young men and we consider it a blessing from God that he has accepted the position. Tyler and Elsie have two children, Eli and Felicity, and have welcomed many children into their home over the years as a foster family. We are excited to see the many ways God will use Tyler’s skills and leadership to enhance the experience of the 18 young men who have been entrusted to us for the 2024 year.

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