Reaching the Next Generation: Day of the Child

Reaching the Next Generation: Day of the Child

The heart of Mission UpReach is to transform the next generation through the power of the Gospel. Much of our outreach is focused on giving children opportunities to thrive, and each year we get to celebrate a very special day of the year with hundreds of kids in a way that leaves them feeling loved and cherished. Children’s Day is huge for the Honduran child, and our DESEO team spent the entire week visiting 17 schools and celebrating with them. Because of generous donors that partnered with us in this cause, we were able to provide: piñatas, snacks, candy and toys for the events. The team planned games, put on a drama, and held a talent show.


Children’s Day celebrations were also held at the church plant locations of Los Mangos, Villamí and Barrio Belén where the children of the congregation gathered to celebrate.


Each child got to laugh and play and be reminded they are a child of God who has a bright future. Thank you for your support as we reached hundreds of kids.


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